Photography – Curiosity Shopping
ODDITIES & CURIOSITIES Bizarre, banal or bright. The curious available if you go shopping with a camera and the eye of lewis Carol.

Photography – Windows & Doors
Portals or barriers, kind of advent calenders of life. I love the ready-made nature of these. Sometimes inviting, sometimes forbiding, framing or containing.

Photography – Cruising People
Random, roving eye. I’m always nevous of taking pictures of people: it always feels too intimate. Sometimes I am cruising, sometimes criticising, sometimes just wanting to catch a moment in another’s life. I’m furtive rather than candid I think.

Photography – Egypt
I’ve visited Egypt three times and it still fascinates. Ancient and modern side by side; splendor and poverty. Oppression and might looming over the bussle of Egyptian people making a life.

Photography – Trees
Trees always strike me as a physical record of the forces and conditions acting on them. Despite the movement of wind they are mute records of the soil, the position, of favourable or hostile influences that make them what they are,

Photography – Still Life
Inanimate found compositions.

Photography – Statues
A favourite subject. So much less complicated than flesh and blood but often just as sexy.
Photography – Creatures
I tend towards the non-Disney view of nature. Weird and wonderful yes, but also red in tooth and claw and looking mate.