Queer British Art – Queer Art in Britain 1800-1899
Guy Burch’s queer art family tree and timeline – from John Harris and the Ladies of Llangollen to Baron Adolph de Meyer
Queer British Art – Queer Art in Britain 1900-1945
Guy Burch’s queer art family tree and timeline – from John Singer Sargent and Ethel Sands to Denton Welch
Queer British Art – Queer Art in Britain 1945-1967
Guy Burch’s queer art family tree and timeline – from Marlow Moss and Erica Brausen to Anthony Blunt
Queer British Art – Queer Art in Britain 1967-2000
Guy Burch’s queer art family tree and timeline – from Quentin Crisp and Brixton Art Gallery to Sadie Lee