Recent Exhibition – Menier Gallery, 7-19th September
Headspaces The exhibition included both new and older works by myself and friendship works by Robert Taylor and David Jaramillo Klinkert. As a founder member of the Gay and Lesbian Artists group at Brixton Art Gallery in 1983 I recorded the night life of 1980s gay liberation and the painful epoch of loss during the […]

Heads & Houses
My new work at first sight might look a departure, but it continues and revives themes from several exhibitions. I might call them ‘Headscapes’: paintings and sculptures that suggest an internal landscape of the mind. The idea that a face is a façade behind which we keep secrets, a kind of building only really accessible […]

Night Clubs & Fairy Hills
Night clubs are places of wonder for me. Not the usual ones where people wear ordinary clothes and dance in an ordinary way drably around a handbag unimaginatively drunk on pre-club shop bought shorts. A good club isn’t just about drinks with a few mates.The legendary ones have atmosphere and enough resident characters to encourage ‘muggles’ […]

A Queer Mythology
I am aware that just as some women artists resist the classification under Feminist or gender lines, so do many artists who are homosexual. I think this is foolish and happily identify my work with what Emmanuel Copper (1938-2012) called a ‘gay sensibility’ in his pioneering book ‘The Sexual Perspective’. In trying to down play […]